Privacy Policy

BRAK Pty Ltd, trading as Sweepers n Scrubbers (SnS) collects and holds personal information from customers, employees, contractors and other individuals. We collect and hold this information for our business purposes and recognize and respect the importance of protecting this personal information. In handling your personal information, BRAK will comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act and, where relevant, the Credit Reporting Code.

This Policy outlines how BRAK and its related companies collect, disclose, use, store or otherwise handle personal information.

This Policy explains:

  • The kinds of personal information (including credit-related information) we collect, and the purposes
    for which we do that;
  • how we manage the personal information that we collect;
  • how you can seek access to and correction of that information; and
  • if necessary, how you can make a complaint relating to our handling of that information.

This policy is not limited to current customers or guarantors of customers (where applicable) – it relates to other individuals who deal with us, whether in relation to the provision of products and/or services, or otherwise. This policy statement may be updated from time to time.


1. Information BRAK may collect

BRAK will collect certain information about your organisation and you depending on the circumstances in which the product or service is being provided.

This information can include:

  • the contact details and organisational roles of our actual and prospective customers, suppliers and other business contacts. Typically, this information includes names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and job titles;

  • financial and related information collected in the course of providing products and services to our customers,

  • Transaction history (with us and our associates or relevant third parties). This information includes products you may have used with us in the past, your payment history, and the capacity in which you have dealt or deal with us;

  • commercial credit information for your Company (for a purpose related to an application for equipment or provision of a service), being credit related information lawfully created and accessible within the Australian credit reporting system;

Online information

BRAK automatically receives some non-personal information when you visit BRAK’s website including: 

  • the name of the domain from which you access the Internet;
  • the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using;
  • the browser software you use and your operating system;
  • the date and time you access BRAK’s website;
  • the geographic location from which you access BRAK’s website; and
  • the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to BRAK’s website.

BRAK uses this information to monitor the usage of its website. All of the information BRAK automatically captures provides BRAK with the ability to enhance its customers’ search and shopping experiences and to determine aggregate information about its user base and usage patterns.

When you click on a link or banners on BRAK’s website that takes you to a third-party website (i.e. a website which is not controlled by BRAK), you will be subject to the third party’s privacy policy. While BRAK supports the protection of privacy on the Internet, BRAK cannot be responsible for the actions of a third-party website. BRAK encourages you to read the posted privacy statement on any and every website you visit, whether you are linking from BRAK’s website or browsing on your own.

BRAK uses data collection devices such as “cookies” to deliver customised visitor experiences and to analyse website user metrics. “Cookies” are small files placed on your hard drive that assist BRAK in providing its services. Most cookies are “session cookies”, which means they are automatically deleted from your hard drive once you close your browser. You may encounter cookies or other data collection devices that are placed by third parties. BRAK does not control the use of cookies by third parties.

BRAK also captures metrics on the number of visitors to its sites for use in server capacity needs.

2. How BRAK collect the information

In many circumstances, we will collect the above information primarily from you (or from someone who is representing or assisting you).

Generally this information is collected through:

  • registering with BRAK on its website;
  • completion of online or hard-copy application form including but not limited to a ‘Request Quote’ or ‘Contact Us’ forms, quotes, invoices; and any other forms provided by BRAK; or
  • other exchanges with BRAK through face-to-face meetings or via email or telephone.

There may be occasions when BRAK collects personal information from other sources such as from an information services provider, credit reporting agency or a publicly maintained record. Generally, BRAK will only collect personal information from sources other than you if it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect your personal information from you.

3. How BRAK hold and protect your personal information

BRAK takes reasonable steps in the circumstances to ensure that the personal information it holds is protected from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. BRAK holds personal information in both hard copy and electronic forms in secure databases on secure premises.

BRAK’s secure databases are located either on its own secure premises or secure data storage facilities located within Australia.

BRAK will destroy or de-identify personal information in circumstances where it is no longer required, unless BRAK is otherwise required or authorised by law to retain the information.

4. Purposes for which BRAK may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information

Personal information we collect about you will only be held, used and disclosed as is reasonably necessary for our business purposes and as permitted by law.

Purposes for which we will usually hold, use and disclose your personal information, depending on the circumstances and the nature and products and services you are obtaining from us, include:

  • selling, hiring, buying, servicing and performing warranty work in respect of machinery, equipment and spare parts, whether new or used;
  • providing equipment management services;
  • providing services in relation to the financing and resale of machinery and equipment;
  • evaluating applications for, and providing, commercial credit in relation to machinery, equipment, parts and services;
  • accounting, billing and other internal administrative purposes;
  • the ongoing monitoring of credit worthiness;
  • enforcing our rights, including the collection of outstanding payments and where necessary, initiating legal proceedings;
  • complying with various Australian laws which may specifically require us to collect your personal information, and to other laws where collecting your information is necessary in order for us to comply with our obligations. Some of the key laws which may apply include the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act and the Personal Property Securities Act and State and Territory real property and security interests laws;
  • identifying and informing you of products and services that may be of interest to you from BRAK or selected third parties; and
  • any other legal requirements.

5. Disclosing your personal information to third parties (including overseas)

Where the Privacy Act permits it, we may disclose your personal information for the purposes above to third parties. Other third parties that we may disclose your personal information to include:

  • your co-applicant (if any);
  • related entities based in Australia or overseas;
  • entities that provide services to us such as IT help desks, mailing houses or call centre operators;
  • entities providing other services to us, including legal services, financial services, market research and data providers;
  • where we act as an agent for, to the principal;
  • other financial institutions or entities such as banks and credit providers;
  • insurers, assessors, underwriters, brokers and other distributors;
  • government regulatory bodies in Australia and overseas;
  • if appropriate, guarantee or security providers;
  • mercantile agents (debt collectors) or other enforcement bodies;
  • entities who wish to be involved in our business, or acquire an interest in our business;
  • third parties you authorise to act on your behalf or that are otherwise connected with you (such as your accountant, legal representative or referee) and
  • Law enforcement agencies.


Some of these entities may not be located in Australia, and may not have an Australian link. Overseas disclosures BRAK may disclose personal information to overseas recipients in order to provide its services and products and for administrative or other business management purposes. Recipients of such disclosures are located in Singapore, Sweden & France and may also be located in the BRAK States of America, China, Thailand and Japan.

Before disclosing any personal information to an overseas recipient, BRAK takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure the overseas recipient complies with the Australian Privacy Principles or is bound by a substantially similar privacy scheme unless you consent to the overseas disclosure or it is otherwise required or permitted by law.

Direct marketing – BRAK may use and disclose your personal information in order to inform you of products and services that may be of interest to you. In the event you do not wish to receive such communications, you can opt-out by contacting BRAK via the contact details set out in Item 8 below or through any opt-out mechanism contained in a marketing communication to you.

Any of the above disclosure is always on a confidential basis. BRAK may also disclose personal
information with your consent or if disclosure is required or authorized by law.

6. Your ability to access your personal information that BRAK hold

BRAK takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure personal information it holds is accurate, up-to date, complete, relevant and not misleading. Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access and seek correction of your personal information that is collected and held by BRAK. If at any time you would like to access or correct the personal information that BRAK holds about you, or you would like more information on BRAK’s approach to privacy, please contact BRAK via the contact details set out in Item 8 below. BRAK will grant access to the extent required or authorised by the Privacy Act or other law and take steps reasonable in the circumstances to correct personal information where
necessary and appropriate.

To obtain access to your personal information:

  • you will have to provide proof of identity. This is necessary to ensure that personal information is provided only to the correct individual and that the privacy of others is protected;
  • BRAK requests that you be reasonably specific about the information you require; and
  • BRAK may charge you a reasonable administration fee, which reflects the cost to BRAK, for providing access in accordance with your request.

If BRAK refuses your request to access or correct your personal information, BRAK will provide you with written reasons for the refusal and details of complaint mechanisms available to you. BRAK will also take steps reasonable in the circumstance to provide you with access in a manner that meets
your needs and the needs of BRAK.

BRAK will usually respond to your request to access or correct your personal information within 30 days from your request but in some circumstances it may take longer.

7. Privacy complaints and disputes

Please direct all privacy complaints to BRAK’s Privacy Compliance Officer. At all times, privacy complaints:

  • will be treated seriously;
  • will be dealt with promptly;
  • will be dealt with in a confidential manner; and
  • will not affect your existing obligations to BRAK or affect the commercial arrangements between you and BRAK.

BRAK’s Privacy Compliance Officer will endeavour to confirm receipt of the complaint within 7 days of you making the complaint. It is BRAK’s policy to investigate and resolve all complaints (where practicable) within 30 Days of receiving the complaint. In the event that you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to the Federal Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

8. Contacting BRAK

Contact information for further information or enquiries regarding your personal information:

Privacy Compliance Officer

P.O. BOX 246, BAYSWATER, VIC, 3153

TEL: 1800 505 791